Friday, December 21, 2012

CELEBRATE AMERICA I take this opportunity to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. Please continue your confidence in this great nation and support its’ dreams. America has no equals in providing all its citizens with a vision that is centered upon a better life for all. Elections come and go but this great nation built on the aspirations of its founders will continue to endure. The Constitution and Bill of Rights herald to all our citizens the liberties that we enjoy and often take for granted. These individual freedoms will continue to be an outgrowth of our vigilance and protective oversight. We are all indebted to our military and the soldiers who have sacrificed to gain for us freedom’s gifts and liberties. When you gather at the table this holiday season do not fail to give thanks for the role of divine providence in protecting and prospering this great nation. Let’s reaffirm with Lincoln that this country shall not perish from the earth and its appointed destiny. May God bless each of you and the United States of America. Dr. Alan G. Phillips, Sr. POSTED NY TIMES 12/21/12

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Adam Lanza Whatever the psychological or spiritual deviation this young man that took Newtown Connecticut’s finest from society is marked forever as a tragic despicable figure. Characterized by a doting mother preparing for the end of the world replete with guns and survivalist obsessive cognition living with two brothers one of whom was deranged at best fostered the game. A tile glazer whether at the barbershop or with an extremely stressed baby sitter who lacked any meaningful relationship failed to relate to people. Adam was evolving into the vilest type of terrorist complete apparently with a strong background for violent and deadly video games. Adam became a nonperson, a zooid, a candidate for a psychiatric couch. Who’s to say how much influence Hollywood horror films had on this young beast? His relationship with his doting and permissive mother was non effectual based on her getting shot in the face. On his way to take innocent lives from the Sandy Hood school this young undisciplined and unresponsive coward would perform his dastardly deed on our best children and adults. Now we are seeking greater gun and magazine control while we look for psychological answers. Frankly, what to date have psychological therapists and their answers managed to problem solve? The problems are still with us, the Adam Lanza’s sadly are not just in America—remember Norway and Scotland. Perhaps it might be best to ask for a return of old fashioned disciplining parents, couldn’t hurt! We must let our presence be felt in society. Alan G. Phillips, Sr

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Phillips will spend time with friends and family in the Bay Minette area of Alabama and possibly Gulf Shores. Roll Tide!
We congratulate Senator Shelby and all those responsible for bringing the new Raytheon plant to Huntsville, Al. The D 3 and 6 will be made here and should be able when deployed to bring greater safety to our country and the world, Congratulations.
Please accept our greetings during this Christmas Season. We wish the very best to each one of you. Dr. and Mrs. Phillips and family

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


OUR VALUES ARE MORE IMPORTANT TODAY THAN THEY WERE YESTERDAY, WORDS OF A COMMITTED REPUBLICAN This nation was born in the midst of adversity. The search for freedom propelled its founders to establish a Bill of Rights and a Constitution that remains a marvel of the world. This land is a beautiful and varied space that features mountains, sea coasts, grasslands, prairies and some of the earth’s most beautiful flora. Its people often give unselfishly to meet the needs of others at home and abroad. Some give anonymously and like the unknown soldiers are discernible only by God. America is a land of many faiths with guaranteed rights granted under the Constitution. We live in a land where dreams and hard work can produce, and; CREATE, BRING JOBS BACK FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND THE BEST WORKERS IN THE WORLD (AMERICANS) WILL FILL THOSE POSITIONS, THE REWARDS OF HARD WORK ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL, • America has given so much to everyone and their families. Any future serious candidate for the presidency should welcome the opportunity to repay the nation with sacrificial service through,  Restoring the founders vision of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all living in this great country, work is still valued in America,  Creating and restoring all the jobs lost in recent years to the nation and its workers, to those desiring a job,  Providing to all who live in this great land respect for the law, crime free streets, schools, parks, cities and towns that serve as beacons of hope and a bright future,  Lower corporate and personal taxes, eliminating unnecessary regulations and loopholes, fostering a government which is limited in size, scope and control over the rights of Americans to work, play, and live in security free from international and domestic threats from terrorism, and fanatical rogue nations through a strong defense and military, • What should be the goals for America? As a nation we need to actively promote the promise of a better day for our citizens. Any parent wants their children to experience the American dream that with strong determination it is still attainable in this great land,  Freedom to achieve and realize your dreams through work and perseverance is possible in this nation for all citizens,  A government that promotes the personal freedom of all its Citizens by removing unnecessary roadblocks to personal and financial achievement through excessive regulation and growth in government size,  A new commitment to American individualism and prominence in the world’s affairs,  A nation that keeps its word to those countries committed to helping their citizens to achieve prosperity and freedoms based on democratic ideals,  A nation that supports and honors its military in protecting and defending the nation from international terrorism and threat,  A nation that’s supports and encourages entrepreneurs, small and large businesses, free enterprise and the creation at home of millions of new jobs in future years,  A nation which promotes patriotism through community service, pride, personal sacrifice and strong support of individual effort on a daily basis to experience for citizens to experience the American dream,  A nation where all workers keep more of their pay and savings as government taxes and debt are reduced and the budget is balanced,  A nation that guarantees the right of religious faith and belief in God to flourish,  A nation which advocates life, encourages traditional family and marriage yet advocates free speech,  A fast track legal immigration policy that rewards new comers to the American dream,  A guarantee of constitutional freedoms to everyone, This is an era that is witnessing the advocacy of many Republican voices, some of whom want the party to adopt a far more liberal and accommodative profile of long held values. This is not the time for Republicans to adopt liberalism or change its position on fundamental values that build honor, truth, trust and success, in others, to do so would be a fatal mistake for the party of Lincoln. I oppose that idea with great fervor. Dr. Alan Phillips November 2012

Newt Gingrich, Republicans can't defeat Hillary in 2016

Monday, December 10, 2012Posted: 7:09 AM Last Updated: 8 hours ago •By: Kevin Liptak, CNN His 2012 presidential bid ended in defeat during the primaries, but that may not have been the last of candidate Newt Gingrich. Asked Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" if he would run for the White House again, the former House speaker put on an enormous Cheshire cat grin and said: "I doubt that, but one never knows." At the end of November, Gingrich told a crowd at a book signing in Florida he had "no idea" whether he would run again in 2016. One factor: his potential Democratic rival. Gingrich said Sunday if Hillary Clinton decides to put her name in contention, Republicans face an uphill climb. "If their competitor in '16 is going to be Hillary Clinton, supported by Bill Clinton and presumably a still relatively popular President Barack Obama, trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl," he said. "And the Republican Party today is incapable of competing at that level." "She is very formidable as a person. A very confident person," said Gingrich, who served as House speaker during President Bill Clinton's tenure in the White House and often sparred with the Democrat. "She is married to the most popular Democrat in the country. They both think it would be good for her to be president. That makes it virtually impossible to stop her for the nomination, I think," he predicted. If Republicans hope to stand up to Clinton -- or to any Democratic rival -- in 2016, they need to reflect on the reasons they lost the White House this year, Gingrich said. "We didn't blow it because of Mitt Romney," he said. "We blew it because of a party which has refused to engage the reality of American life and refused to think through what the average American needs for a better future."


THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN IOWA CELEBRATES LIFE ON FEBRUARY 23, DR. PHILLIPS REPORTS, Event Details The Republican Party of Iowa is proud to announce an upcoming gathering and fundraiser dedicated to the pro-life cause. In addition to our important tasks of promoting candidates and leading elections, the Republican Party of Iowa has made it clear that the direction of the party must also be to advance the great principles of our platform. Coming soon the Republican Party of Iowa will unveil details on the exciting schedule of events and opportunities coming up in 2013. We are currently proud to announce Saturday, February 23 as the Iowa GOP's official event to promote life and protect the unborn. This event will feature grassroots instruction on defending life, breakout sessions to become a more effective leader as well as several recognized pro-life speakers. More details will be announced soon, but for now, save the date! At the moment we are hosting a freewill donation to help us secure and promote this event. You contribution will go directly to helping the Republican Party of Iowa host this pro-life event, promote pro-life legislation and take a firm stand on the defense of the most basic human right.
AMERICA 2016, WHO WILL BE THE NEXT TRUE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE? There have always been surprises resulting from ranking and speculating about the person who will be a future presidential nominee. One would expect most of the names mentioned, would surface from a background of prior political service, becoming nominees in 2016. Yet, in recent weeks, in fact the last several years we have focused ou r attention on some leaders who were not only politically incompetent, but lived unethical, devious and dishonest lives. A few examples include former senator John Edwards, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, senator Ingle, former Illinois governor Blagojevich, discredited president Bill Clinton, and many others have awakened us to the fact that prior political service is no guarantee of fidelity, honesty, morality and ultimate representation of the American people. This next election cycle I believe is witnessing an anti incumbency modality hitherto not seen in recent years. We are told there are no perfect candidates, I disagree there are many outstanding Americans. Where should Americans search for qualified, honest, caring, moral, public servants? Obviously, the original founders looked among themselves for future servants of the people. The original fifty-five framers of our Constitution included; shippers, scientists, farmers, investors, retirees, lawyers, one minister, a college administrator, and most founders were citizens of good reputation. They were, “give me liberty or give me death” representatives of the people. Only nine of the fifty five actually worked for government compensation. Where will Americans discover the candidate who will work as their servant, committed totally to creating jobs, reducing taxes, promoting a strong economy based on free enterprise, constitutional liberties and our form of government? Will this future nominee be faithful to both civil (presidential) and all solemn oaths (like marriage) will the candidate’s wife and children be an asset to society? Will the nominee stand rock solid against radicals, lobbyists, special interest groups, rogue nations, terrorists and ultimately commit to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States so help him God, if elected? How will the nation decide on a true grassroots nominee who will serve for a dollar a year, in the tradition of the late John F. Kennedy? What path will lead us to this future President living and teaching traditional values, protecting small business, corporate growth, creating millions of new jobs at home? Will this person come to us through public relations imaging, political position, pseudo campaigns and photo opportunities? No, this servant will be identified while walking, working, living among the people, stating personal, national and personal constitutional convictions and listening to the advice and suggestions of the American public. His substance will be deep and committed for too often as a nation we have chosen celebrities and corrupt politicians over serious leaders. This nominee when chosen president will give 24/7 to protect and proudly lead this great country. This selected public servant by the people will give the nation pride and vision once again, in its history, and achievements. This candidate of the people will stand boldly in the global assembly of nations and proudly extol American individualism and achievement. As president, this individual will never apologize for America or bow a knee to foreign heads of state. This public servant will serve the nation exhibiting great force of will and personal compassion while unifying citizens in a common pursuit of excellence. The candidate chosen will ultimately be identified in the schools, homes, churches, schools, neighborhoods and hearts of citizens through their election process. That is how it will happen and when it does America will have given the nation an authentic intelligent public servant to face a time of great challenges. Dr. Alan Phillips, Sr. Like · ·