Sunday, February 21, 2010

NY Times 2-20-2010 Tracking the Campaigns of 2010, Terry Branstad, Iowa

The Race In Iowa For Governor

It is now becoming clear why Iowa voters have warmed to former Governor Terry Branstad's Comeback Tour and statewide visits. Governor Branstad was previously known as an exceptional and responsible governor during four terms of service. Quick to honor his fiscal and growth responsibilities in past years, his expertise in facing the state's current problems is attracting both statewide and national attention. Branstad has not been reticent in letting old and new friends know that he intends to create jobs, expand personal income, reform education, while reducing state government and unnecessary regulations.

One prior national Republican candidate who won the 2008 Iowa caucuses has been backing a Branstad opponent in the upcoming 2010 primary election in June. Yet, Branstad's innovative thinking when confronting controversial issues such as the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage, and the concerns of Iowans for Tax Relief is being welcomed by many Iowa voters as a potential solution to major issues. The former Governor's growing popularity will give anyone desiring to run successfully in the 2012 Presidential caucuses, a major reason to support the Branstad campaign.

An example of innovative problem solving is Branstad's suggestion to utilize the constitutional convention option on the ballot in November of 2010, as a way to get Iowa voters involved in issue resolution. The former Governor has consistently demanded the right of every Iowa voter to cast a ballot on any proposed amendment to the state constitution. Voters are indicating support for the former chief executive in his determination for Iowans to cast ballots on major issues. Several recent surveys by trusted news outlets like the Des Moines Register confirm Branstad's growing popularity. Branstad, a strong conservative with a track record that his competitors would like to have, make this an important race to watch in 2010.

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