Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NY Times, Suspect Said to Train in Pakistan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
N.Y. / Region
Bomb Suspect Said to Train in PakistanBack to Article »
Faisal Shahzad, 30, a U.S. citizen from Pakistan, faces charges including attempting to use weapons of mass destruction.

Dr. Alan Phillips, Response


From the very moment the twin towers in New York City were attacked on 9/11 we have been at war. Our enemy has not given one inch in their determination to ultimately destroy the people of the United States. Our way of life, and continued support of the nation of Israel have literally guaranteed us an armed conflict that we can and must win. It is unrealistic when many in political leadership refuse to use the word terrorism. This is a type of denial which unfortunately will not make the jihadist problem disappear.

The planting of the bomb this week so close to Disney's presentation of the Lion King, clearly points to our enemies intent to kill and maim women and children. Apparently, the terrorist's opinion of the United States continues to focus on our weak political leadership, their lack of resolve and determination to do battle. The time is soon coming when we as a nation will need the very strongest leadership and determination to defeat this foe.

Enemy combatants conspiring and attempting to kill Americans are not entitled to constitutional rights, Frankly, war is not a matter for the justice department, our military are trained and superbly equipped to wage and win this battle. We have some of the finest military personnel and weaponry in the world. It's past time that we stop disarming, appeasing enemies and begin to use the military strength of the world's greatest democracy.

Since our most recent encounter with the terrorist trained in Pakistan it has been interesting to watch and listen to newscasts featuring talking heads afraid to admit to the truth, we are at war. War is tough and demands strict and often drastic measures. Who can fault President Kennedy for making it plain during the Cuban missile crisis that any missile launched from Cuba against the United States would be considered an attack by the Soviet Union on America demanding a full retaliatory response by our country on the Soviets.
The American people realize that we are at war with an enemy that wants to exterminate the United States and its people because of our way of life and continued support of the Jewish state. Changing terrorist's minds with soft words, threats of sanctions and appeasement will not impede their relentless attacks. Let the historical record show that it was the terrorists that brutally attacked this nation on 9/11. The only thing these butchers understand is a response that defeats them and achieves total victory. The use of the word "victory" seems as out of fashion with the same liberals that fail to use "terrorists" to describe the enemy we all face.

Appeasement and sanctions are in my opinion inviting more attacks against Americans, their towns and cities. The time for weakness and unilateral disarmament on the part of elected leaders is over and should be condemned by the American people. Are our leaders simply waiting for the day when terrorists having obtained a nuclear weapon will use it against New York, Chicago or Los Angeles?
We are at war, a conflict that we did not choose and presently our soldiers and citizens are in the cross hairs and we must support this effort as a nation. Total and complete victory must be our only goal, bold must be our actions, and strength must be our virtue in response to these barbaric terrorists. Their training camps are not sanctuaries, their lives are not sacrosanct and we must defeat them and rid our planet of the destruction they are pursuing. They must be obliterated and for that task we as a nation will require strong and uncompromising leadership. By God's grace and through divine strength we shall defeat this enemy.

May God bless America and give our nation strong leaders that have the will to be victorious over the enemy.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

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