Friday, January 25, 2013

THE AMERICAN DREAM IS STILL ALIVE, LET US; CREATE, BRING JOBS BACK FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND THE BEST WORKERS IN THE WORLD (AMERICANS) WILL FILL THOSE POSITIONS. •America has given so much to everyone and their families, Any honest candidate for national office should welcome the opportunity to repay the nation with sacrificial service through, Restoring the founders vision of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all living in this great country, Creating and restoring all the jobs lost in recent years to the nation and its workers, Providing all who live in this great land crime free streets, schools, parks, cities and towns which serve as beacons of hope and a bright future, Lowering taxes, eliminating unnecessary regulations, and providing a government which is limited in size, scope and control over the rights of Americans to work, play, and live in security free from international and domestic threats of terrorism, •What should be the goals for America? As a nation we need to restore the promise of a better day for our citizens, our children and grandchildren. Any grandparent wants their grandchildren to experience what is achievable with strong determination and work in this great land. Freedom for all citizens to achieve and realize their dreams fulfilled through hard work A government that promotes the personal freedom of all it's citizens by removing unnecessary roadblocks to personal achievement through excessive regulation and growth in size A new commitment to American individualism and prominence in the world A nation that keeps its word to assist those countries committed to helping their citizens to achieve prosperity and freedoms based on democratic ideals A nation that supports its military in protecting and defending the nation from international terrorism A nation that’s supports entrepreneurs, small and large businesses, free enterprise and the creation at home of twenty five million new jobs in three years A nation which promotes patriotism through community service and strong support of individual effort on a daily basis for all to experience the American dream A nation where all workers keep more of their pay as government taxes and debt are reduced and the budget is balanced A government that elevates honesty and integrity as major components of American society. Alan G. Phillips, Sr.

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