Thursday, April 4, 2013

AN ATTACK BY NORTH KOREA WOULD BE A FATAL MISCALULATION The American people are highly resilient when attacked without cause by a dictatorial regime. They immediately coalesce in support of their president regardless of party affiliation. They are immediate in their support and volunteering to ramp up the nation’s military readiness for the conflict at hand. The American people will support the course of our president’s action. If the commander in chief calls for regime change their will be national support for it from all citizens. If the president determines an end to the country known among nations as North Korea it will cease to exist. Americans are no longer interested in entertaining irrational consultation, threats, and aberrant actions from North Korea. The time has arrived to confront its military leaders and the madness in particular of one. Like fellow citizens I will totally support and endorse the actions of our president and our military in dealing with this dictatorial regime. Alan G Phillips, Ed. D. FROM THE ECONOMIST, APRIL 4

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