Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Economist, March 21, ELECTION 2010



It's election day across America, its November 2010. The chirping of the birds in Washington D.C., the sound of the roaring California surf in Los Angeles, the rustle of the wind through the south Alabama pines, the sound of footsteps, all bear mute witness to voter determination in casting a ballot for freedom and liberty. From the north, south, east and west, the Grand Canyon to the monument at Stone Mountain, voters are participating in today's election in record numbers. The world's greatest democracy formed by a cruel and unrepresentative taxation upon the colonists by a despot king named George is now responding across the land.

Americans holding their constitutional freedoms close to their hearts, grandparents, unemployed workers, the poor, the blind, the ill, the young, the rain soaked, all concerned make their way to polling stations to cast a ballot to eliminate the selfish scourge that has arisen from their legislative midst.

News outlets, television, radio, cable, all media are reporting the record numbers walking to polling booths. Broken machines, closed election stations, intimidation, long lines, rain, snow, wind are not preventing the voters from casting their ballots for freedom and liberty.

Finally, November has come and the great American giant has awakened. Today in November 2010, in contrast to prior election days there is voting across the land with determination and resolve reminiscent of Bunker Hill, Bull Run and the Constitutional Convention. This snapshot of national concern is much like the futility of an earthen dam trying to hold back a flood. Americans are voting today with a passion never witnessed in modern day balloting. This evening when the results are tabulated and the scourge has finally been removed, it will indeed be morning again in the United States of America. November has finally arrived for the defenders and supporters of freedom; they have arisen in the mold of their founders to be the patriots and sentinels for freedom in November of 2010.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington IL

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