Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Huffington Post, 3.9, Binckey, Mitt Romney to Third Party: No Third Party Candidacies

Third parties have rarely won elections even with a strong candidate like Teddy Roosevelt. The Bull Moose party with its energy at the top was not able to win that election. Tea Partiers are first and foremost thinking Americans who will make the choices that make most sense to them. Although I am a Republican and so are several of my friends who are tea party voters, they are not ignorant of what split votes can do in an election. Yet, they are unwilling to simply vote for professional politicians who are not committed to representing either the American people or voters on main street.

Tea partiers will evaluate candidates to determine who can help produce the 400,000 jobs per month needed for the next four years to get this economy moving again. Tea partiers want their taxes reduced, government interference and regulations minimized, and less influence of lobbyists representing wealthy wall street and business interests in Washington.

These voters want their schools teaching traditional American values, criminals prosecuted, the country defended, national security strengthened, and American industry revitalized. I am proud of them all and reaffirm the right of all Americans to make their own choices in these matters. I personally will listen to these voters and not the paid political hacks that work for the lobbyists.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

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