Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Huffington Post, March 5, 2010, California Senate Debate Focuses on Support for Israel, by Freking and Hindery


Carly Fiorina emerged from the debate as aggressive, forceful, and extremely knowledgeable on issues. Campbell was trying to refute his often wobbly support for Israel as a representative. Whining about a whispering campaign was his feeble attempt to garner self pity and become in the eyes of voters, a unfairly persecuted candidate. Mr. Campbell must realize that a political campaign is not a venture into comfort and joy. If he wants that treatment he needs to go to Disneyland.

As I stated in a written post prior to her successful debate, Fiorina does not need Campbell's debate rhetoric to define her, she is already known as an achiever. Campbell has a record of no major accomplishments. Fiorina will in future days offer the programs and solutions for bringing California back to prosperity and good jobs. Campbell had at the debate his one minute of fame. His baggage included a suitcase filled with questionable decisions without introducing any meaningful ideas in years. A Campbell record of inaction was not difficult to challenge and Californians werelistening to their future Senator. When debate listeners evaluate her ideas they will respond favorably to solid plans for growth.

Californians listened carefully to all the candidate's remarks and I believe most concluded that Fiorina will get the difficult jobs done. Campbell has been a spectator at the game for a long time yet California is looking for a utility infielder strong enough to handle all the positions, that's Fiorina,

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