Monday, December 21, 2009

LA Times, LA Opinion, Post under article on Liberman, 12.21


This is a most unlikely trio, a bit of hyperbole, but definitely germane to this pathetic moment in American history.

Mother Teresa was a giver, to the less fortunate, the unrepresented among the world's poorest people. She gave without expecting anything in return. Unselfish to the point of not residing in the finest hotels or buildings while doing her noble work. She was a doulos, in the Greek language that means servant. she was not a deal maker, only an advocate who gave her life in service for the poorest among us, she will forever be fondly remembered.

Rod Blagojevich, an Illinois Governor, discredited for making deals to supposedly help his family and friends. In fact he is charged that he used his chance to fill the seat vacated by Barack Obama as one more money making plan--NY Times April 2, 2009. It seems his primary purpose was to execute and preserve power...for the financial and political benefit of his close friends. Definitely a deal maker often seeking to exchange his assets for others resources. Yet, in comparison to Harry Reid's exchanges and deals, a small player. Probably pending legal matters against him should be dismissed, unless charges are forthcoming against Mr. Reid and the administration for corrupt deal making.

Harry Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, supposedly a religious man, was shown in this Senate healthcare matter--to be only a deal maker. For example in the article by David Espo, AP Senate correspondent appearing in Breitbart December 21st entitled, Health care Clears Senate Test, one has only to read the quote on Senator Ben Nelson, "Senator Ben Nelson's announcement Saturday that he had decided to support the bill-in exchange for a variety of concessions". Whether Louisiana's receipt in the bill of a coming 300,000,000 concession or other Democratic perks and exchanges, Harry Reid is one of the greatest secretive dealmakers of all time. He has betrayed the trust of his nation, and the expressed disapproval of this bill by a majority of Americans, He made a simple decision for his self interest, to do the administration's bidding. He and his colleagues have failed the nation by not representing the people. We must look, in future elections, to new candidates who are committed to being servants of the people, rather than corrupt deal makers. Those, like Reid who can't distinguish between genuine compromise desired by the people and back room deal making, should not be re elected.

John Kennedy, writing Profiles in Courage, highlighted those Senators and historical figures who had made a difference, by representing Americans first and themselves last. Mother Teresa will be remembered fondly by the world's citizens, even Rod Blagojevich might be forgiven and granted some slack, but Harry Reid, will be remembered in American history as a corrupt deal maker who failed to represent a majority of the American People. He is a failure in principle, ethics, integrity and the basic principle of right and wrong.

Dr. Phillips
Bloomington, IL

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