Sunday, December 27, 2009

NY Times. 12/27/09 Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation, A Hartocollis

This, Comfortable Death Sedation nonsense, is the type of warped reasoning by this administration that has stirred the emotions and anger of most Americans not being represented in this healthcare reform legislation. This is an attempt by the Harry Reids of this world to make this procedure look harmless and compassionate to families; I am not buying it. If we are going to make decisions based strictly on financial principles and the work of bureaucrats, then the government's termination should be close at hand due to its unbridled spending and borrowing. Also, if these bills seek to mandate lifestyle requirements in addition to obesity, sugar, and exercise regulation, the government has hopefully included tobacco use as a prohibition. Thus Obama himself, a smoker, has a problem continuing executive service without quitting his habit.

America until now has offered to its citizens, the finest healthcare system in the world. Yet, that achievement is apparently too expensive an item for the administration to tolerate it being included in the federal budget. One must wonder aloud about their need for cost reduction by seeking answers to the following questions:

Can't we live with five less B-2's?
What about less junkets with congressman, staffs, and even Presidential entourages including, air force one and its carbon use?
Can we tolerate less foreign aid, U.N. support and subsidies for governments that hate us?
What about abortion funding?
What about federal spending and borrowing?

I am merely trying to utilize hyperbole to let government officials know that a decision about an elder American's death must be left to that person and their family alone, through their instruction or medical directive. My parents like those of Congressional members were allowed to make that life and death choice and we as siblings benefited, as did the nation, from retaining some of them in our lives much longer.

As an example, people like former New York Mayor Ed Koch who has undergone expensive surgery in recent months seems to be doing well. I am glad America still has the former Mayor's experience and advice available to us all. I know that many in this administration simply do not care what Americans are thinking, but those are my thoughts concerning end of life issues.

This administration is simply not in touch with a majority of Americans. Bureaucratic actions predict many current unethical politicians' future removal from public office. Their historical legacy will be the squandering of American freedoms and liberties, including the right of the individual to make life and death choices.

I recently read a cutesy article entitled Oh, come, Oh come, Emanuel. As a Christian, my curiosity was peaked to favor this noted author by reading his expansive missive. Imagine my shock when I realized he was referring to the President's chief of staff, not Christ. I have news for that author, there is a huge difference between purity and rudeness, the immortal and the mortal, the divine and the ordinary.

I remain steadfastly opposed to one of the most liberal and nonsensical agendas ever mandated to the American people by a national administration. If the day comes when I can make a difference in the lives of Americans by eliminating this legislation, I will do so! I will join those working class Americans, who have protested this nonsense, while trying to make ends meet, many having lost their jobs.

I simply will not have corrupt bureaucrats deciding who lives or dies. In the words of Winston Churchill, I will oppose them, If necessary alone!

Dr. Alan G. Phillips
Bloomington, IL

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