Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Washington Post, Recession hitting Ohio's former steel towns hard, Anne Hull

Recession hitting Ohio's former steel towns hard
WARREN, OHIO 12/17/09 -- All day long the front door buzzes at Uptown Gems & Jewels. The people come in with their trinkets wrapped in tissue or velvet boxes. They say their hours have been cut or they've been laid off. Some have their first names stitched in cursive on their uniforms, others wear saf...
By Anne Hull


We simply must cease creating jobs in China and begin restoring jobs in America, and that includes Ohio. Politicians make the trek every four years to Ohio and promise jobs, yet the jobs are created in China and overseas, not at home. Several factors contribute to this reality including but not limited to; bad trade agreements, politicians placing little real priority on restoring American jobs, the federal government annually extracting 35 percent in taxes from each corporation, states piling on additional state levy's, highly competitive foreign countries in an undeclared jobs war against the U.S., Ireland, China, Singapore and others levying significantly less in taxes on corporations, resulting in the rust belt, America's continued loss of payrolls and jobs.

I propose, a small component, an incentives economic program which focuses on job restoration. In summary the concept is a simple one, lower state and federal taxes on corporations that return jobs from overseas, or create their numerical equivalents in new occupations for the American worker.

As an example, currently, between the state of Iowa's tax and that of the federal rate, businesses must pay 41.6 percent to government. This type of excessive business taxation has given the U.S. the dubious distinction of being the world's leader in corporate taxes. This "jobs killer" must be dealt with immediately to improve the competitiveness of America for job growth. This present tax system simply provides no incentive at all for corporations to retain or create jobs in this country.

Ireland's overall rate on companies is 12.5 percent, Singapore has just introduced a program for start up businesses with the first three years almost tax free, China at 25 percent features special districts minimizing rates even further. We are in an economic trade war with foreign nations for the jobs provided by our companies. With two hands tied behind our back we passively surrender our American worker's pay to other countries by failing to provide our companies with freedom from burdensome tax rates. This must be stopped now and American jobs must come first.

Past proposals, from various members of Congress of a five or ten percent cut in federal taxes will not make a difference for companies in this global competition for jobs with foreign countries. We need to take action to bring the jobs back for the 18 million jobless or underemployed workers.

Specifically, I propose corporate round tables to meet with the new President after the 2012 elections on federal and state tax reductions for businesses, and to establish monthly goals for corporate job restoration-creation in the U.S.

In the interim period between now and then, I would strongly encourage the administration to recognize that any President must make job restoration-creation a 24/7 number one priority. Any current administration program which increases borrowing and deficits and is unnecessary should be immediately curtailed,

I propose that the Federal government make initial cuts in the corporate tax rate to 10 or 15 percent prior to any state's review of their taxes, I further propose actuarial studies to determine how increased job growth would through the normal payroll tax, prevent deficit growth due to tax reductions at the federal and state levels.

Recently, the tax foundation stated: "The key to improving America's tax competitiveness is a partnership between federal and state law makers to work toward the common goal of lowering the overall business tax burden in the U.S. Otherwise, America. will continue to fall behind in the global tax race simply by standing still."

In summary, the above plan, albeit simple in thrust, will work if the nation has the resolve to put it into action. We simply cannot wait much longer to start down the path to real economic recovery. Although, I have written and published this concept for months, I have yet to experience any interest from the administration in Washington.

Hopefully, many meaningful ideas will be considered in the weeks ahead, unless the jobs summit is once again merely a manufactured photo op or public relations ploy; if that's the case the employment problem will worsen and the nation could plunge into a full fledged depression.

Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Pennsylvania in fact all of our states need job restoration. As the hit song of the group Chicago so ably asked years ago, Does anyone really know what time it is, does anyone care--about time? America, I may be just a grandfather but I care.

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