Saturday, December 19, 2009

What I Believe, Dr. Alan Phillips

I am committed to,

The sanctity of human life,
The need in America for easier adoptions,
The creation of jobs for all Americans, even if some occupations, must be returned from overseas, America and Americans must come first,
The free enterprise system, growth and progress of small-large businesses, being led by men and women from the private sector, without government interference,
The sanctity of marriage,
Greater crime prevention efforts and tougher sentences on criminal offenders,
Safe streets and communities which make it possible for our children to play safely, our families be protected and secure, in short keeping America safe,
Greater levels of medical research for the eventual conquest of disease and illness,
Communities which honor our senior citizens with compassion and respect,
Greater support for our military and their families,
Courage, in foreign policy to confront rogue countries, dictators and terrorists with strength of arms when necessary, as opposed to empty words,
Greater enhancement of our anti missile defense system with budgetary increases if needed to make it work,
Additional construction of crumbling infrastructure with scheduling of highway improvements occurring during off peak travel times,
Energy research and development, including drilling for additional oil to accommodate reserves, with the ultimate goal of plentiful cheaper energy,
Rollback of recent tax increases, to spur economic growth among all classes of Americans,
Greater support for successful schools and teachers both public and private,
Greater support and enunciation of the Judeo-Christian ethic and belief in God,
Term limits for elected officials,
Openness in government and resolve to listen to all Americans,
Freedom and liberty, around the world,
Health care that is private, inexpensive, and comprehensive,
Legal immigration which welcomes newcomers and existing workers,
A growing, prosperous, America, as the beacon of freedom and opportunity

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