Monday, November 15, 2010

NY Times, Entertainment Tonight, Sarah Palin Offers Herself for a 2012 Bid

In Sarah Palin's National Review piece I searched once again for a cogent plan for governing a nation, state, or any enterprise. I believe that anyone meeting the constitutional requirements for seeking the Presidency should be able to compete for the office. However I am still searching for Sarah’s plan specific for leading this great nation forward in an economic, moral, ethical, and practical way to achieve the aspirations of all Americans.

In the NRO piece she asserted that "Political contests are not always about truth and justice." I cannot think of a moment when any serious candidate would fail to place truth and justice at the top of their ethos, what is she talking about? When you make it clear that truth is not always an underpinning and operational part of a campaign you are in a danger zone subscribing totally to situational ethics. Is Sarah like a chameleon on a crazy quilt not knowing which color or position to adopt?

Her observation that successful candidates must first set the narrative for me is nothing more than a dangling phrase which makes absolutely no sense to a serious voter. Often intervening variables, unexpected have resulted in huge affects on the national and international scene. President Bush was reading a book to school children when three planes changed the narrative that is still remains a major concern of us all. How can a serious administrator be so inflexible as to enunciate and stubbornly hold to an artificially established narrative?

Her observation that if we don’t agree with some of her postulates and assumptions that, "You are living on a unicorn ranch in fantasy land. Then to further bewilder someone looking for a meaningful plan she makes a sweeping assumption that "there are millions of conservatives, Democrats and Independents ready to join our cause." I am a conservative, but I am not ready to join Sarah Palin's cause since, in my opinion, it has never been articulated in a discernible way to the nation. Will that plan ever be presented to us for our consideration, “You bethcha it won’t.”

Dr. Alan Phillips, Sr.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

U.S. Sends Muslim Center Imam to Arab World to Promote Religious Tolerance

U.S. Sends Muslim Center Imam to Arab World to Promote Religious Tolerance
On Thursday Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, a sponsor of a planned Muslim center in Lower Manhattan, begins a mission from the United States government to promote religious tolerance in the Arab world. NY Times, The Lede, August 19, 2010

Dr. Phillips Response,

The plan to locate this mosque in close proximity to the World Trade Center site is an incredibly destabilizing decision. Wounds remain open in the hearts and daily lives of the survivors whether they are of Christian, Jewish, Muslim or other faith perspectives. This idea has no merit lacking both compassion and basic consideration of others. The motive behind the proposed project remains shrouded in ambivalence, deceit and distortion. Shades of fuzzy meaning cloud the true intent of the authors of this project, This mosque is simply a horrible idea and the President for reasons known only to him has made an uninformed decision which further divides the nation. His biased speech in support of the ground zero mosque may well have been a tipping point for his administration's effectiveness in the future.

Dr. Alan Phillips

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Press Release Dr. and Mrs, Phillips at Iowa State Fair August 17, 2010

Proclaiming American Greatness: Dr. and Mrs. Phillips volunteers at the pork tent at the Iowa State Fair

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TUESDAY AUGUST. 17, 2010 CONTACT: Alan Phillips (309) 824-9298 (309) 824-9298 ,

Des Moines, Iowa (August 17, 2010)

Dr, Alan Phillips, Republican from Illinois, and possible candidate for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination is a volunteer, along with his wife at the Pork Producers Association pork tent at the Iowa State Fair today. This is Dr. and Mrs. Phillips sixth visit to the state within ten months.

According to several Iowans, Dr. Phillips seeks to lower state and federal taxes on corporations that return jobs to the U.S. from overseas, or create their numerical equivalents in new occupations for American workers. Currently, between Iowa's corporate tax rate and that of the federal government, businesses must pay 41.6 percent to government, highest of any state.

This excessive business taxation rate has given the U.S. the dubious distinction of being the world's leader in corporate taxes. According to Dr. Phillips high corporate taxes are a "jobs killer" that must be dealt with by the next President to improve the competitiveness of American business. Although various members of Congress have suggested a five or ten percent cut in federal taxes on companies, Dr. Phillips feels those reductions are too small to make a major difference to companies planning to relocate and bring jobs with them.

Phillips proposes "to restore the jobs for some 20 million jobless-underemployed workers. He believes the U.S. combined corporate tax rate must be cut to 5 or 10 percent." In the final analysis Dr. Phillips wants a new partnership between state and federal lawmakers to work toward the goal of significantly reducing the overall tax burden on companies in the U.S. and restoring up to 25 million new jobs in three years.

About Proclaiming American Greatness, it is a group promoting American values, freedoms and constitutional liberties, nationwide.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Iowa Presidential Caucuses, Will Someone Emerge from the Outside?

This past spring was a time for me to reflect on the rising tide of anti-incumbency among voters in America. In this ethos which seems in some respects to parallel French history "Let them eat cake," incumbents in Washington have done little to alleviate lost jobs, a sick economy and programs smacking of incompetence and wrong priorities. Several former candidates and some present office holders are into corruption, illicit affairs, and multiple marriages in some cases flourish the way the government wants us to get rid of our automobile clunkers.

Rich and ostentatious weddings are planned sparing no expense to afford a former first daughter the most lavish event in recent memory. Nero fiddles, the nation continues in a downward spiral, wars continue to consume our youth and the proverbial beat goes on. America can do much better than this, we are still the shining city on the hill if we resolve to make major changes. The article which follows was posted in the NY Times and The Iowa Republican this past spring. Will this dream become a reality in 2012?

Dr. Phillips wrote on 29 March, 2010, 9:04 The Iowa Republican

There have always been surprises resulting from ranking and speculating about the person who will be a future Iowa caucus GOP presidential nominee. One would expect most of those names mentioned, would surface from a background of prior political service, becoming nominees in 2012. Yet, in recent weeks, in fact the last several years we have focused our attention on some leaders who were not only politically incompetent, but lived unethical, devious and dishonest lives. Former Senator John Edwards, Governor Mark Sanford, Senator Ingle, former Governor Blagojevich, and many others have awakened us to the fact that prior political service is no guarantee of fidelity, honesty, and ultimate representation of the American people. This election cycle I believe is witnessing an anti incumbency modality hitherto not seen in recent years.

Where should Iowans look for qualified, honest, caring, public servants? Obviously, the original founders looked among themselves for servants of the people. The original fifty-five framers of our Constitution included; shippers, farmers, investors, retirees, lawyers, one minister, a college administrator, and most founders were of good reputation. They were, “give me liberty or give me death” representatives of the people. Only nine of the fifty five actually worked for government compensation.

Where will Iowans find the candidate who will work as their servant, committed totally to creating jobs, reducing taxes, promoting a strong economy based on free enterprise, constitutional liberties and our form of government? Will this future nominee be faithful to both civil and solemn oaths (like marriage) and will the candidate’s children be an asset to American society? Will the nominee stand rock solid against radical leftists, lobbyists, special interest groups, rogue nations, terrorists and ultimately swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United State so help him God, if elected?

How will Iowa and the nation identify a true grassroots nominee of the people, who will serve for a dollar a year, in the tradition of the late John F. Kennedy? What will lead us to this future President living and teaching traditional values, protecting small business, corporate growth, creating up to twenty million new jobs at home? Will this person come to us through public relations imaging and photo opportunities? No, this servant will be identified while walking among the people of Iowa, stating personal convictions and listening to the advice and suggestions from Iowans and the American public.

This nominee when chosen president will give 24/7 to protect and proudly lead this great country. When elected this public servant will give the nation pride and vision once again, in its history, and achievements. This candidate of the people will stand boldly in the global assembly of nations and proudly extol American individualism and achievement. As president this individual will never apologize for America or bow a knee to other heads of state. This public servant will love and serve the nation exhibiting great force of will and personal compassion while unifying citizens in a common pursuit of excellence. The candidate chosen will first be identified in the schools, homes, churches, halls, neighborhoods and hearts of Iowans through their caucus process. That is how it will happen.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

NY Times, May 8, Problem with Containment Dome in Gulf

May 8, 2010, 3:44 pm
Problem for Containment Dome in Gulf

Dr. Alan Phillips, Response


The Gulf of Mexico, even after the initial dome fix effort, continues to bear mute testimony to a pathetic lack of corporate accountability when it comes to drilling for oil along some of the most valuable wildlife areas in the world. Whether viewed from the sea or air the value of the Gulf of Mexico and its ultimate destruction is simply too high a price to pay for unsupervised corporate drilling.

When sloppy drilling is added to the wildlife habitat along with some of the world's most beautiful beaches and their possible destruction from many months of pollution a perfect environmental storm is arising. We are now more aware of the BP governmental lobbying efforts and the dollars expended to obtain waivers from those genuine safe guards required to protect the environment. This lobbying campaign has resulted in a disgraceful series of horrible compromises allowing the Gulf to be threatened. We must say to politicians and agencies, never again will we permit any corporate lobbying to compromise the gulf's environment.

Many are explaining that BP will pay the price for the gigantic spill cleanup effort. In the arena of massive environmental deception and destruction dollars alone do not comprise a cogent or meaningful recovery plan. It is only government and volunteer resources that can provide the muscle and effort to stop a future cataclysm. We must demand of corporations planning to drill in the Gulf a detailed thoroughly documented corporate drilling plan.

Starting today, May 8, 2010, prior to any new deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico an extensive plan must be presented and reviewed by the EPA. This type of corporate plan can be fast tracked and checked for various provisions including drilling safety, well blow out protection, personnel, immediate plans for oil spill containment and recovery, as well as corporate reporting to the government, public. Any drilling plan must include a truth in telling provision which accommodates any realistic assessment of potential damage to the environment. We must make it clear to the companies concerned that we will no longer waive safety requirements for their lobbyists and dollars.

In addition to strict accountability for corporations it is necessary for the federal government to supervise drilling by other countries in the Gulf region. The idea that Russia, China, Vietnam and others are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico without state and federal supervision is at best alarming and at worst potentially disastrous. The Gulf of Mexico has far more value to our nation than strictly the oil held deeply beneath its waters.

This growing national tragedy serves as a wakeup call to each of us that without strong supervision and accountability accidents and spills will spoil and may well destroy the Gulf of Mexico's pristine resources. The seafood industry, tourism, and beauty of the area must not permit any additional poorly supervised deep water drilling. The nation can ill afford another of these massive uncontrolled oil spills. If there is to be drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, it must be strictly supervised and monitored by all entities concerned with the process or we will lose an aquatic gem which can never be replaced.

We as Americans have the will power to make absolutely certain that the Gulf is protected from shoddy drilling. Drill baby drill, will need to be tempered by chill baby chill, until we get to the bottom of this tragedy. We simply cannot afford to ignore the Gulf of Mexico.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NY Times, Suspect Said to Train in Pakistan

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
N.Y. / Region
Bomb Suspect Said to Train in PakistanBack to Article »
Faisal Shahzad, 30, a U.S. citizen from Pakistan, faces charges including attempting to use weapons of mass destruction.

Dr. Alan Phillips, Response


From the very moment the twin towers in New York City were attacked on 9/11 we have been at war. Our enemy has not given one inch in their determination to ultimately destroy the people of the United States. Our way of life, and continued support of the nation of Israel have literally guaranteed us an armed conflict that we can and must win. It is unrealistic when many in political leadership refuse to use the word terrorism. This is a type of denial which unfortunately will not make the jihadist problem disappear.

The planting of the bomb this week so close to Disney's presentation of the Lion King, clearly points to our enemies intent to kill and maim women and children. Apparently, the terrorist's opinion of the United States continues to focus on our weak political leadership, their lack of resolve and determination to do battle. The time is soon coming when we as a nation will need the very strongest leadership and determination to defeat this foe.

Enemy combatants conspiring and attempting to kill Americans are not entitled to constitutional rights, Frankly, war is not a matter for the justice department, our military are trained and superbly equipped to wage and win this battle. We have some of the finest military personnel and weaponry in the world. It's past time that we stop disarming, appeasing enemies and begin to use the military strength of the world's greatest democracy.

Since our most recent encounter with the terrorist trained in Pakistan it has been interesting to watch and listen to newscasts featuring talking heads afraid to admit to the truth, we are at war. War is tough and demands strict and often drastic measures. Who can fault President Kennedy for making it plain during the Cuban missile crisis that any missile launched from Cuba against the United States would be considered an attack by the Soviet Union on America demanding a full retaliatory response by our country on the Soviets.
The American people realize that we are at war with an enemy that wants to exterminate the United States and its people because of our way of life and continued support of the Jewish state. Changing terrorist's minds with soft words, threats of sanctions and appeasement will not impede their relentless attacks. Let the historical record show that it was the terrorists that brutally attacked this nation on 9/11. The only thing these butchers understand is a response that defeats them and achieves total victory. The use of the word "victory" seems as out of fashion with the same liberals that fail to use "terrorists" to describe the enemy we all face.

Appeasement and sanctions are in my opinion inviting more attacks against Americans, their towns and cities. The time for weakness and unilateral disarmament on the part of elected leaders is over and should be condemned by the American people. Are our leaders simply waiting for the day when terrorists having obtained a nuclear weapon will use it against New York, Chicago or Los Angeles?
We are at war, a conflict that we did not choose and presently our soldiers and citizens are in the cross hairs and we must support this effort as a nation. Total and complete victory must be our only goal, bold must be our actions, and strength must be our virtue in response to these barbaric terrorists. Their training camps are not sanctuaries, their lives are not sacrosanct and we must defeat them and rid our planet of the destruction they are pursuing. They must be obliterated and for that task we as a nation will require strong and uncompromising leadership. By God's grace and through divine strength we shall defeat this enemy.

May God bless America and give our nation strong leaders that have the will to be victorious over the enemy.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Great to be in Iowa with a great farm family, the John Preussners, April 10, 2010

Being with John, Julie and their super kids, Will, Ellie, and Luke this week in Manchester-Dundee, Iowa was an honor. Julie is home schooling three of the finest young people Mary Beth and I have ever met. John and his family have been major Iowa farmers for years. Great family!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Real Clear Politics, March 22, 2010, END OF A NIGHTMARE I AGREE WITH SENATOR McCAIN


The Obama Healthcare Reform bill approved through procedural shenanigans and disregard for the United States Constitution and the voters will be repealed, it’s not a question of how but when. Americans have always harbored the very best in dreams for their children and grandchildren. In one fell swoop the promise of a brighter future more promising than our own is now gone unless there is a repeal or elimination of this legal monster. The immediate explosion of the national debt by billions, the raid of 52 billion from Social Security, the takeover of the student loan program servicing 20 million college students which will generate funds for Obama care, are just the beginning of new taxes and fees and expansion of trillions in debt to be imposed on Americans without their consent. Voters will either purchase this insurance or will be forced to pay a stiff penalty. Those who oppose federal funding of abortion and Planned Parenthood will see their dollars being used for this purpose.

All of these months of healthcare debate have taken the nation’s attention off the 17 - 22 million of our fellow Americans who have lost their jobs. An administration which touted their 24/7 focus on creating jobs has done basically nothing to remedy the economic crisis. Today, those who voted for this bill are patting themselves on the back for their journey into historical achievement and prominence. Personally, I think their names will ultimately be recorded in the annals of history as lacking courage to stand against this effort to destroy the Constitution.

I recently published a piece about the day this bill will begin to be reversed. I present it in full in hopes that all Americans might truly be energized to join with millions of others in reversing this action. This ultimate victory will not come without our sacrifice and financial commitment to the cause.


It's Election Day across America, it’s November 2010. The chirping of the birds in Washington D.C., the sound of the roaring California surf in Los Angeles, the rustle of the wind through the south Alabama pines, the sound of footsteps, all bear mute witness to voter determination in casting a ballot for freedom and liberty. From the north, south, east and west, the Grand Canyon to the monument at Stone Mountain in Georgia, voters are participating in today's election in record numbers. The world's greatest democracy formed by a cruel and unrepresentative taxation upon the colonists by a despot king named George is now responding across the land.

Americans holding their constitutional freedoms close to their hearts, grandparents, unemployed workers, the poor, the blind, the ill, the young, the rain soaked, all concerned make their way to polling stations and stand for hours in line to cast a ballot to eliminate the selfish scourge that has arisen from their legislative midst.

News outlets, television, radio, cable, all media are reporting the record numbers walking to polling booths. Broken machines, closed election stations, intimidation, long lines, rain, snow, wind are not preventing the voters from casting their ballots for freedom and liberty.

Finally, November has come and the great American giant has awakened with ferocity. Today in November 2010, in contrast to prior election days there is voting across the land with determination and resolve reminiscent of Bunker Hill, Bull Run and the Constitutional Convention. This snapshot of national concern is much like the futility of an earthen dam trying to hold back a flood. Americans are voting today with a passion never witnessed in modern day balloting. This evening when the results are tabulated and the scourge has finally been removed, it will indeed be morning again in America. November has finally arrived for the defenders and supporters of freedom they have arisen in the image of their founders who chose life over liberty to once again be the patriots and sentinels for freedom this November of 2010.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington IL

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Economist, March 21, ELECTION 2010



It's election day across America, its November 2010. The chirping of the birds in Washington D.C., the sound of the roaring California surf in Los Angeles, the rustle of the wind through the south Alabama pines, the sound of footsteps, all bear mute witness to voter determination in casting a ballot for freedom and liberty. From the north, south, east and west, the Grand Canyon to the monument at Stone Mountain, voters are participating in today's election in record numbers. The world's greatest democracy formed by a cruel and unrepresentative taxation upon the colonists by a despot king named George is now responding across the land.

Americans holding their constitutional freedoms close to their hearts, grandparents, unemployed workers, the poor, the blind, the ill, the young, the rain soaked, all concerned make their way to polling stations to cast a ballot to eliminate the selfish scourge that has arisen from their legislative midst.

News outlets, television, radio, cable, all media are reporting the record numbers walking to polling booths. Broken machines, closed election stations, intimidation, long lines, rain, snow, wind are not preventing the voters from casting their ballots for freedom and liberty.

Finally, November has come and the great American giant has awakened. Today in November 2010, in contrast to prior election days there is voting across the land with determination and resolve reminiscent of Bunker Hill, Bull Run and the Constitutional Convention. This snapshot of national concern is much like the futility of an earthen dam trying to hold back a flood. Americans are voting today with a passion never witnessed in modern day balloting. This evening when the results are tabulated and the scourge has finally been removed, it will indeed be morning again in the United States of America. November has finally arrived for the defenders and supporters of freedom; they have arisen in the mold of their founders to be the patriots and sentinels for freedom in November of 2010.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington IL

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

LA Times March 15, Michael Muskal, Healthcare shapes Obama's Political Message


Item 5, "Doing right is more important than politics" is both a complex and assumption related statement. It's perhaps best for anyone desiring to do what is right to define the word. Right is analogous to beauty, often found only in the eye of the beholder. In the definition of this word one needs to know, as Ernest May of Harvard has often observed, the individual's history in the head. Life experiences can effectively mold an individual's definition that is critical to identifying one's underlying assumption.

Is right literally to be found only in the person defining the word, if so it can simply be a restatement of a person's strong internal, personal, and prejudicial preference. Some leaders literally act as if they know what is right for everyone. However, right can also be externalized in seeking a definition by asking "what do most people conclude constitutes right?"

Right is more important than politics? Right can also be viewed as a complex word. In our democratic form of government the Bill of Rights and the Constitution require of our leaders that they have the consent of those they would seek to govern. As uncomfortable as that mandate is for a chief executive who has fought long and hard for the office he now holds, the political consensus component cannot be excluded from any working definition of right. I am not arguing that the majority is always correct. I do assume however that negotiation and compromise often lead to a broader perhaps more effective definition as to what is truly right.

Perhaps the founders in their infinite wisdom were mindful of the ancient scriptures that state, there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Absent in literature written about democracies is any definition of right based on secret deals and decisions which have not had the benefit of serious public discussion.

What is right? Again, like beauty it may well be in the eye of the beholder. It also could result from any premise validated by discussion, morality, ethics, and reason. Being a Douglas Mcgregor, Theory Y person, I have found wisely distributed among America's millions of citizens many talented, intelligent, working, freedom loving Americans who have great ideas and opinions that can assist any listening President in arriving at a definition of right. I am not convinced that all knowledge and correctness is merely invested in one person. Autocracies and dictators don't work for me, I am an American.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

LA Times, Opinion LA, 3.12.2010, Seceding from Health Care Union, John H.

Within our Constitution one is hard pressed to find an argument for compelling anyone to buy health insurance seems to have validity. Yet nullification of an excessive healthcare plan that spends us into oblivion while cutting Medicare benefits over 500 billion while effectively creating a public option is a poor strategy. To nullify anything is to admit to its potential for permanence in law. That decision is yet to be resolved by that reverent group, the Supreme Court, who Obama, in poor taste recently lectured at the State of the Union 2010 edition.

Several Congressional procedural issues seem in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution and will be ultimately decided by the judicial branch of our government. Yet, awaiting that day of legal revelation which will no doubt effect Obama's healthcare reform miasma, there is another more effective strategy available to the majority of Americans who oppose this legislative detour which has kept the nation's attention off recent massive unemployment numbers.

This basic strategy to eliminate Obama healthcare reform and his misdirection of national resources are the looming elections of 2010 and 2012 and the recognition by all of us of the possibility for change. The Senate majority leader earlier in the year proclaimed that bills unread and quickly passed in the dark of night cannot be amended or changed. Sorry Harry, a nation who put men on the moon can change any provision you have crammed though the Congress. All types of issues are at work with the administration's abrogation of legislative procedures including, due procedure, constitutional compliance, and the ability to change the political configuration of both houses of Congress. Elimination of this new healthcare bill can be accomplished easily in full not later than 2012. The extra taxes take from us soon on income to pay for this plan not even in effect can be refunded by a new Congress and American President in full during 2013. Harry Reid, cram down is always beaten by pay back and when that day comes Americans should get their money returned with interest.

Finally, this bad bill will be reversed by the will to see things changed by most voters. What if we had accepted as a nation the conquests of the Nazi's and Japanese forces in WW II. I assume that some voters probably exclaimed during those horrendous times, these things can't be changed. That's not the way it happened with Americans, we were determined at all costs to defend freedom and ultimately the wars were won.

Assuming this healthcare reform bill is passed, all we need to overturn it is hope and change. Sound familiar, but this time voters are determined to make it more than an empty cliché.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lockridge, IA, Phillips with Steve Burgmeier and Hooter Lane Farms

Lockridge, Iowa March 13, 2010

Dr. and Mrs. Phillips were the guests of Steve and Betty Burgmeier. Steve will be Dr. Phillip's advisor on pork production issues. Steve will be hosting a barbeque for the Phillips in Washington County this summer. Also, Dr. and Mrs. Phillips will be guests at the Pork Producer's Association's booth at the Iowa State Fair.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Huffington Post, 3.9, Binckey, Mitt Romney to Third Party: No Third Party Candidacies

Third parties have rarely won elections even with a strong candidate like Teddy Roosevelt. The Bull Moose party with its energy at the top was not able to win that election. Tea Partiers are first and foremost thinking Americans who will make the choices that make most sense to them. Although I am a Republican and so are several of my friends who are tea party voters, they are not ignorant of what split votes can do in an election. Yet, they are unwilling to simply vote for professional politicians who are not committed to representing either the American people or voters on main street.

Tea partiers will evaluate candidates to determine who can help produce the 400,000 jobs per month needed for the next four years to get this economy moving again. Tea partiers want their taxes reduced, government interference and regulations minimized, and less influence of lobbyists representing wealthy wall street and business interests in Washington.

These voters want their schools teaching traditional American values, criminals prosecuted, the country defended, national security strengthened, and American industry revitalized. I am proud of them all and reaffirm the right of all Americans to make their own choices in these matters. I personally will listen to these voters and not the paid political hacks that work for the lobbyists.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Huffington Post, March 5, 2010, California Senate Debate Focuses on Support for Israel, by Freking and Hindery


Carly Fiorina emerged from the debate as aggressive, forceful, and extremely knowledgeable on issues. Campbell was trying to refute his often wobbly support for Israel as a representative. Whining about a whispering campaign was his feeble attempt to garner self pity and become in the eyes of voters, a unfairly persecuted candidate. Mr. Campbell must realize that a political campaign is not a venture into comfort and joy. If he wants that treatment he needs to go to Disneyland.

As I stated in a written post prior to her successful debate, Fiorina does not need Campbell's debate rhetoric to define her, she is already known as an achiever. Campbell has a record of no major accomplishments. Fiorina will in future days offer the programs and solutions for bringing California back to prosperity and good jobs. Campbell had at the debate his one minute of fame. His baggage included a suitcase filled with questionable decisions without introducing any meaningful ideas in years. A Campbell record of inaction was not difficult to challenge and Californians werelistening to their future Senator. When debate listeners evaluate her ideas they will respond favorably to solid plans for growth.

Californians listened carefully to all the candidate's remarks and I believe most concluded that Fiorina will get the difficult jobs done. Campbell has been a spectator at the game for a long time yet California is looking for a utility infielder strong enough to handle all the positions, that's Fiorina,

Ann Coulter, on John Boozman, Post by Dr. Phillips March 7, 2010

John Boozman is a winner. I have known the Boozeman family personally for many years. They are Arkansans known for their morality, ethics and distinction. I had the honor of helping his brother (Buddy)now deceased, with his campaign against Asa Hutchinson.

John has representated the progressive and economically growing area of Fayetteville, Springdale and Rogers very effectively. This former Razorback lineman has the type of insight and conservative American values that will bring effective representation to Arkansans. He is a winner and Arkansas as a state will benefit from his expertise and solid traditional values.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WSJ 3.4, Pullizi and Meckler, Obama Calls for Up or Down Vote on Health

The entire nation whether Democrat or Republican was filled with enthusiasm that night when a young President elect appeared in Grant Park to address thousands. America was proud of our nation which would at last elect an African American to serve as President of the United States. Obama spoke that night of ending government gridlock in Washington D.C. and bringing a new day of cooperation between Republicans, Democrats and Independents in the Congress, we were all proud and attracted to a new vision. Yes We Can was on the lips of millions in America. It was a night of joy.

Months later we have experienced division, closed minds and an aimless vision of where this nation should proceed from the administration's poor leadership. Along the way we have lost perhaps as many as 17-22 million jobs. Trillion dollar deficits loom in the distance and economic predictions forecast years ahead before jobs return. Cities like Detroit are no longer a nexus of manufacturing and good jobs. Most Americans feel we are in worse condition now than we were a year ago.

Today March 3 was a sad day as the President told us that there will be no further discussion on healthcare reform. He is headed for a reconciliation cram down your throat healthcare reform package which is not desired by a majority of Americans in spite of his words to the contrary. Freedoms earlier foreseen in a new vision are now hard to imagine. A majority of the nation's citizens are concerned about losing freedoms and constitutional traditions.

Ronald Reagan said in 1980 that the Novelist Thomas Wolfe once wrote of our country, there is a mighty music to the proud glittering names of places in America. He called out our cities; Youngstown, Detroit, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Houston, Hartford, Jersey City, New York city, etc. But Reagan also observed that many of these cities no longer proclaim the confident roar of American progress, growth and optimism - there is now only silence, unemployment and discouraged Americans. Savings have disappeared, pensions decimated and homes lost as hope for a recovery has literally evaporated.

Many of our leaders today tell us we must meekly accept our nation's economic decline. We must learn to live with little and tell our children that their lives will be less prosperous and full than ours have been. We are reminded by Washington D.C. that the America of the future will be a country where, because of our past mistakes, it will be impossible to hope and make dreams come true.

I absolutely refuse to accept this conclusion. We have had a high standard of living in past years because people have worked hard. Americans have not created the situation we are in at the moment. This aimlessness and depression is a result of leaders overspending, abusing businesses, under representing and forgetting the needs of most of the American people. The failure of today's leaders focuses primarily on placing themselves ahead of the needs of the American people.

In 2010 and 2012 there will be millions of us who will not accept this nation's decline and the failure of this administration to restore and create jobs. We will not stand idly by and watch the destruction of our small businesses and entrepreneurial vision by bureaucrats,

With God's grace we Americans, including Republicans, Democrats and Independents will work 24/7 to restore the timeless vision of a great and prosperous people in a land we call America.

Dr. Alan G. Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Monday, March 1, 2010

NY Times March lst, White House Rethinking Nuclear Policy, Shanker-Sanger

"Aides to President Obama say he will permanently reduce the arsenal by thousands of weapons"


No President should take this type of unilateral disarmament capriciously or arbitrarily without a complete Nuclear Posture Review done by the pentagon along with many additional national security experts. Although NPR's are usually kept secret President's Clinton and Bush both had their NPR's which according to leaks apparently arrived at similar conclusions. This type of study factors into the equation among other things, what the nation's needs will be for years in light of foreign governments and their military development plans.

This type of suggested action far exceeds a White House Staff exercise. One would hope that a President would realize the importance of contemplating this action only after serious evaluation of future national security needs.

Many Americans continue to be amazed at the administration's efforts to get voters focus off the need for job restoration. In spite of rhetoric to the contrary the jobs priority is proving to be only a minor focus of White House energy. With perhaps as many as 22 million Americans out of work and the nation's indebtedness growing each minute, I believe jobs are a national security issue.

If the administration continues its vacillation on unemployment in all sectors of the country, they will begin to lose their right to govern come the elections of 2010 and 2012. Should they unilaterally reduce the nuclear stockpile without a NPR and arduous study, their legacy will be one of incompetence. If this disarming action is taken without the needed NPR, we can only hope that rogue nations will not take advantage of the President's weakness. After all, to provide for the national defense is a constitutional presidential requirement.

Dr. Alan Phillips

Friday, February 26, 2010

Healthcare discussions simply an attempt to get America's focus off lost jobs

I was recently reading a U.S. News and World Report article entitled “How to get Americans Working Again,” Mort Zukerman, the author, presented a great deal of helpful data. Indicating that there is no “silver lining to the dark cloud that has enveloped America”, he mentioned that unemployment has moved from an economic setback to a fully fledged catastrophe.
• At least 929,000 men and women who want a job haven’t looked in the past year
• According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics on nonfarm payrolls, there has been a net loss of 589,000 jobs
• 40 per cent of the unemployed, 6.1 million workers have been out of work for more than 27 weeks
• Some economists who have examined the data arrive at an unemployment rate of 22 percent nationwide, a loss of some 8.6 million jobs
• With our potential labor force expanding at 1.3 million job seekers annually, it would take at least six years to reduce the unemployment rate to 5 percent
• Last year’s loss of jobs 3.7 percent was the worst since 1938
• Many people have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits

Recently, I reviewed the U.S. Chamber of Commerce plan to restart job growth in America. There were many observations and several proposals to consider. The Chamber is to be commended for its proposal. Several suggestions were made including;

Removal of trade barriers, expanding exports-I support this concept with two major caveats, jobs must be prohibited from export to foreign nations and trade should function on a level playing field, even if it means renegotiation of some existing trade agreements by the administration might be required.

Elimination of new taxes maintain them at current levels-I respectfully disagree. To provide incentives for U.S. job creation-restoration, there must be a major reduction in federal and state taxes on corporations, elimination of the capital gains levy’s, realizing that anything less is not an incentive for companies to create-restore jobs in the U.S. Martin Feldstein spoke to this need to help job creation in a May 14, 2009 article in the Wall Street Journal on “Tax Increases Could Kill the Recovery”. He reminded voters that “Historians and economists who’ve studied the 1930’s conclude that the tax increases passed during that decade derailed the economy and slowed the decline in unemployment. That was true of the tax on corporate earnings and of the 1937 introduction of the payroll tax. Japan did the same destructive thing by raising its value-added tax rate in 1977.”In contrast to the U.S. countries like Ireland that have reduced corporate tax rates to 12.5% have attracted and created many new jobs and continue to entice new businesses.
Build more roads and bridges with private capital - I support infrastructure improvement if it creates thousands of new jobs specifically targeted to projects of state, regional and national importance. The congress must support the adoption of bills such as HR2521 which seeks to establish a National Infrastructure Bank to direct private and public capital to infrastructure construction.

Boost access to capital across all business categories - I support access for large and small businesses to capital if they are known to be successful in creating-restoring jobs and are managed well. Banks must begin to lend to main street as well as small and large businesses in America. The economist for the National Federation of Independent Business has recently observed that “Capital spending is on the sidelines…Spending on capital projects remained at historic low levels, as did the demand for credit to finance such projects.” In short banks must lend not hold!

Remove uncertainty in economic direction. It is true, as the U.S. Chamber states, government uncertainty in economic direction is not a motivation for large and small businesses to create-restore jobs. The Chamber’s position however that it is opposed to taxing bank transactions, is one with which I fail to agree, unless such legislation prohibits bank pass thru of costs to consumers and small businesses, and banks continue to limit lending. The Chamber’s goal of creating 20 million jobs in a decade, though noble, may not be realistic with its time frame. Ten years is too long for millions of unemployed to wait for jobs. At least however, the Chamber’s plan is a meaningful effort to address the problem.

Presently, the health care reform bill is crowding the need for jobs off the front pages and television screens of America’s news. Healthcare will not matter is our people continue to lose their jobs, This bill is a detour form the real problem needing to be faced. If Washington politicians refuse to address this issue they need to retire and let a common servant get the job done.

As a Republican it is not enough for me personally to be only against something, I must offer solutions that work. I propose the above ideas as a starting place for creating jobs.

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL

Sunday, February 21, 2010

NY Times 2-20-2010 Tracking the Campaigns of 2010, Terry Branstad, Iowa

The Race In Iowa For Governor

It is now becoming clear why Iowa voters have warmed to former Governor Terry Branstad's Comeback Tour and statewide visits. Governor Branstad was previously known as an exceptional and responsible governor during four terms of service. Quick to honor his fiscal and growth responsibilities in past years, his expertise in facing the state's current problems is attracting both statewide and national attention. Branstad has not been reticent in letting old and new friends know that he intends to create jobs, expand personal income, reform education, while reducing state government and unnecessary regulations.

One prior national Republican candidate who won the 2008 Iowa caucuses has been backing a Branstad opponent in the upcoming 2010 primary election in June. Yet, Branstad's innovative thinking when confronting controversial issues such as the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage, and the concerns of Iowans for Tax Relief is being welcomed by many Iowa voters as a potential solution to major issues. The former Governor's growing popularity will give anyone desiring to run successfully in the 2012 Presidential caucuses, a major reason to support the Branstad campaign.

An example of innovative problem solving is Branstad's suggestion to utilize the constitutional convention option on the ballot in November of 2010, as a way to get Iowa voters involved in issue resolution. The former Governor has consistently demanded the right of every Iowa voter to cast a ballot on any proposed amendment to the state constitution. Voters are indicating support for the former chief executive in his determination for Iowans to cast ballots on major issues. Several recent surveys by trusted news outlets like the Des Moines Register confirm Branstad's growing popularity. Branstad, a strong conservative with a track record that his competitors would like to have, make this an important race to watch in 2010.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Terry Branstad, The Comeback Kid? Daily Politics, Sara Palin's Overexposure

The Comeback Kid?

Former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad continues his Comeback Tour through Iowa towns visiting with old friends and making many new ones. His brand of populism seems to be resonating with many Iowa voters who will be taking part in November's election for Governor. Known for leaving a budget surplus and his pro family positions he seems to be a genuine threat to current Governor Chet Culver. Although several candidates find Branstad's current tour something appealing, his ability to relate to most Iowans is reminiscent of Ronald Reagan's appeal. This election is one to watch for national trends in 2010.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

LA Times Post, 02/07/2010

There is an issue much larger than tea partyers, or the other party labels, watch for it in 2010 and 2012. IS EXPERIENCE AS AN OFFICE HOLDER, A GUARANTEE OF HONESTY, INTEGRITY, IN OFFICE? Former Senator John Edwards is a telling argument which both parties often use in selecting candidates to run for the presidency. The clarion call today by both parties is seek an office holder and you’ll get true service and expertise. Really? I don’t think that’s true in all cases. The founders knew this far better than many in today’s media who look for sensationalism at most turns. A Governor from South Carolina, Senator from Nevada, Congressman from New Orleans, Governor from Illinois, the list is quite extensive and growing longer each year. That’s why founders like Abraham Baldwin, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and others would not be considered in 2012 for higher office by either party.

A reputation for honesty, integrity, constitutional adherence, respect for the law, deep commitment to the voters, love for the nation, wife and family, often seem to be overlooked and we foolishly elect a “leader” like John Edwards. John Edwards, a lawyer who was elected to the U.S. Senate, chosen as a Vice Presidential running mate for John Kerry, living a secret life filled with schemes and intrigue, what a disaster.

Is your elected official representing you by keeping his oaths, representing your views and upholding integrity and honesty in his life? If not, the next time you are looking for a candidate you might want to discount experience which has been imaged, and place integrity at the top of your list.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An OP ED submitted by Dr. Alan Phillips on the U.S, Chamber's Plan for Jobs



The administration must develop an action plan in this New Year 2010 for job growth. If the President fails to reference a meaningful proposal for job creation-restoration at his coming State of the Union address, he and the administration will face a challenging future.

On January 12, 2010, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce president, Thomas Donahue in his “state of business” address shared a ten year plan to create 20 million new jobs. This plan, imperfect at best, represents an attempt to address a major under and unemployment employment problem that threatens economic recovery and America's future. Several Chamber of Commerce observations are worth examination, they include;

Removal of trade barriers, expanding exports-I support this concept with two major refinements, jobs must be prohibited from export to foreign nations and trade should function on a level playing field, even if it means renegotiation of some existing trade agreements by the administration might be required.

Elimination of new taxes-maintain them at current levels-To provide incentives for U.S. job creation-restoration, there should be a major reduction in federal and state taxes on corporations, elimination of the capital gains levy, realizing that anything less is not an incentive for companies to create-restore jobs in the U.S. Martin Feldstein spoke to this practice in a May 14, 2009 article in the Wall Street Journal on “Tax Increases Could Kill the Recovery”. He reminded the administration and voters that “Historians and economists who’ve studied the 1930’s conclude that the tax increases passed during that decade derailed the economy and slowed the decline in unemployment. That was true of the tax on corporate earnings and of the 1937 introduction of the payroll tax. Japan did the same destructive thing by raising its value-added tax rate in 1977.”Countries like Ireland limiting corporate tax rates to 12.5% have attracted and created many new jobs and continue to attract businesses.

Build more roads and bridges with private capital-I support infrastructure improvement if it creates thousands of new jobs specifically targeted to projects of state, regional and national importance. The congress should support the adoption of bills such as HR2521 which seeks to establish a National Infrastructure Bank to direct private and public capital to infrastructure construction.

Boost access to capital across all business categories-I support access for large and small businesses to capital if they are known to be successful in creating-restoring jobs and are managed well. Banks must begin to lend to main street as well as small and large businesses in America. The economist for the National Federation of Independent Business has recently observed that “Capital spending is on the sidelines…Spending on capital projects remained at historic low levels, as did the demand for credit to finance such projects.” In short banks must lend not hold!

Remove uncertainty in economic direction. It is true, as the Chamber states, government uncertainty in economic direction is not a motivation for large and small businesses to create-restore jobs. The Chamber’s position however that it is opposed to taxing bank transactions, is one with which I fail to agree, unless such legislation prohibits bank pass thru of costs to consumers and small businesses, and banks continue to limit lending.

The Chamber’s goal of creating 20 million jobs in a decade, though noble, is not realistic in its time frame. Ten years is too long for millions of unemployed to wait for jobs. At least however, the plan is an imperfect effort to address the problem.

Dr. Alan Phillips, Sr.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Washington Post, For now a show of unity...Michael Shear, 1.17.2010

I want to applaud both former Presidents in addressing this massive devastation in Haiti through their action. In articles in the New York Times 1.14 Section A page 17, and in USA today 1.15, page 12, I called last week for a suspension of political partisanship to address this need. Both Presidents with the encouragement of the administration and President Obama have done what is right and humanitarian, I am proud to be an American!

I have personally condemned in the press the pathetic remarks of televangelist Pat Robertson. At the time of this great tragedy to humanity I am appalled as well at the shallowness of Rush Limbaugh's comments about aid to Haiti.

Nicholas Kristof's article in the January 15 issue of the New York Times entitled--How Generous Are We To Haiti? 92 Cents Per American Per Year (in 2008), is disappointing. Admittedly, corruption in Haitian leadership-government officials through the years has not helped the nation, yet according to the Center For Global Development's David Roodman, the U.S. over the last three years has given 2.32 per year per American. Canada by contrast gave 12.13 per person to Haiti over the same 3 year period. We rank behind, Luxembourg, Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium and perhaps others. This is not a record of which we should be proud.

Perhaps what Limbaugh really wanted to say on Haitian assistance was best framed by Charles Dickens's character Scrooge decades ago, ARE THERE NO PRISONS,WORKHOUSES? Frankly, America is far better than that. Our Presidents have proven that we are better.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

NY Times, 1.16.2010, Paul Krugman, BLIP

Saturday, January 16, 2010
January 16, 2010, 3:38 pm

Blip, by Paul Krugman
Calculated Risk beat me to this: the economists at Goldman Sachs are now predicting 5.8 percent growth in the fourth quarter. But they also say that the headline number will be highly misleading: two-thirds of the growth will be an inventory bounce, with final demand growing only 2 percent. In short, it will be a blip. summary

Post, by Dr. Alan Phillips


Blips and sprouts will not help the administration face, ameliorate, or fix the economic tsunami we are experiencing in the United States. Until the administration and its allies place job creation and restoration at the top of their list, we will remain on a slippery slope to deeper recession and much higher unemployment consequences. Blips are akin to some of the latest employment data being reported from D.C. resulting in unreliable rhetoric producing false optimism.

Job summits which window dress our economic desperation by modeling optimistic models are not helping with the wakeup call needed for this administration. The nation and the world await this President's emergence from hibernation. Hibernation may be good for a bear (market) perhaps but what we really need soon is a bull (market).

Dr. Alan Phillips
Bloomington, IL